Discord Commissions♥Do Not Rush Me.
♥The server will be made to your specifications and you will be there every step of the way.
♥All the info will be what you give me.
♥All details will be recommended so I can make it to the best of my ability.
♥It can take up to and including 3 weeks for me to finish a server depending on how much detail and how much I need to mess with the bots. Please be patient.
♥The more detailed the more the price will go up.
♥You will be in charge of the server once I am finished.
♥These may be used for personal or commercial use.
Small Sized Server
This can be anywhere from 3 to 4 categories, including the channels made within them.
Medium Sized Server
This can be anywhere from 5 to 8 categories, including the channels made within them.
Large Sized Server
This can be anywhere from 8 to 12 categories, including channels made within them.
The costs above do not include filling in the channels, banners, or icons. Each of these are a sperate cost and vary in cost.I have two ways of doing this:Option 1I keep the server in my name, meaning I would not transfer ownership and run the bots and make the channels or change things that you need. Basically, I would be your tech gal. You would have an admin role and would be named owner of the sever. I would get my own tag called Tech. You would have all access to the server and be able to do anything I can do. My job will be to monitor the bots and all the items I set up in the server, and or add items you want later on once it is finished. I will not be here to mod or watch people on the server, I would suggest you find others to do so for you. I would have no say in day-to-day activity of the server, which will be on you on how you want to run it. It will be yours. I will be making a channel that is just for our eyes so if there is something you do not know you can ask without the eyes of others and having to DM. I'm here to make life easier for you.All pricing for the one time payments include the setup of the server and the setup of the bots. It does not include filling out of channel info. This will be an extra cost.Monthly Subscriptions:
This is to pay for the bots I use for your server with your permission of course. Some I may not be able to do as you want without getting premium through the bot which cost money. I will always make sure to let you know if it is needed before I do anything.
Option 2I make the server to your specification with you there with me to make sure I set everything the way you want. You will add the bots to the server and pay for them, but I will set them up in the server. Then once everything is set up the ownership of the entire server will be transferred to you. Once this is done I will not longer have anything to do with the server and you are in charge of everything that goes on with it. It will be your responsibility and I will no longer be in the server once transfer has processed.All pricing for the one time payments include the setup of the server and the setup of the bots. It does not include filling out of channel info. This will be an extra cost.Please take note that if you do not think you will be able to handle taking on the server once your own it and you know you will be coming to me for questions on how to do things DO NOT go with option 2. Once the server is yours it is your responsibility not mine.